Vancouver is full of activities year-round, making it a place where you can never get bored. In Vancouver, the best winter activities are snowboard and ski, but these sports can sound very expensive due to the high value of the equipment you need to wear, mountain passes, transportation and distance. But there are always ways to economize and enjoy these sports a lot.
One of the best ways to do any of these sports is to work in these resorts during the season.
Many people who live here and foreigners do it every year in order to obtain benefits from it.
In most of the resorts where these sports are carried out, they begin before the start of the season, which ranges from December to April. Among the benefits they offer their workers are:
Free season pass.
Discounts on equipment rental for the day and/or the season.
Discount on food.
Free transportation to the resort.
Free group classes.
Discounts for your family. (this is usually for people who live in your home).
And more.
Best of all, you don't need to work full time to get these benefits, since you can work a couple of days a week for 4 hours each day, whether it's morning, afternoon, or evenings, and still get the benefits. So you can always have your current job and in hours that you are not working you could do it at the resort, they pay you and you get your benefits as an employee. Imagine with what you earn working at the resort you could rent your complete equipment for the season, ski or snowboard without restrictions on days or hours.
And if the cold or the type of work that has to be done scares you, let me tell you that there are many work options, and in some resorts they include appropriate clothing in case your work requires being outdoors. You also don't require experience for many of the jobs. It is also a job that will allow you to meet many people from different countries, have a good time in a good work environment.
I leave you some direct links where you can apply to work: